[...] Kuusta on tuotu yli 400 kiloa näytteitä, joiden alkuperä on vahvistettu ja jotka eivät ole mitenkään voineet tulla Maahan muulla tavoin.[1] —Kuulento ja muut salaliittoteoriat (2019)
Huijauksen lähestulkoon onnistumisen kaikista osa-alueista uskottavien kuukivien luominen oli helpointa. Omien lausuntojensa mukaan kaikki kivet sisälsivät mineraaleja, jotka olivat tyypillisiä Maassa. Toisin sanoin, ei mitään yllättävää.[2] —Bill Kaysing (1981)
Apollo-kantorakettien pääsuunnittelija, natsisotarikollinen ja SS-majuri Wernher von Braun (vasemmalta kolmas) Nasa-tiiminsä kanssa etelä-mantereella noukkimassa kuukivinä myöhemmin markkinoituja meteoriitteja vuonna 1967.[3]
Rocks from Moon Found in Antarctica, Deseret News, (July 19, 1989 12:00 am).
Moon rock found in Antarctica, Associated Press, (11/30/2004 1:59:08 PM ET).
Rare Moon rock found in Antarctica, Astronomy, (Monday, September 18, 2006).
[1] Hanne-Luise Danielsen (toim.), Kuulento ja muut salaliittoteoriat, Bonnier, (2019), s. 26.
[2] Bill Kaysing, We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle!, Desert Publications, Arizona, (1981), s. 10.
[2] Bill Kaysing, We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle!, Desert Publications, Arizona, (1981), s. 10.
[3] Wernher von Braunin natsitaustasta ks. Bart Sibrel, Moon Man: The True Story of a Filmmaker on the CIA Hit List, Washington, D.C., (2021), s. 150; Craig Fraley, Why There's Doubt: Moon Landings, CreateSpace, California, (2017), s. 8-17; [Wernher] von Braun's relationship with the Nazi party was a complex one. In a 1952 article, he wrote: "I fared relatively well under totalitarianism." He also wrote: "...to us, Hitler was still only a pompous fool with a Charlie Chaplin mustache". —Craig Fraley, s. 11; [...] Another brazen lie the 'debunkers' like to tell – the one that holds that von Braun was only a Nazi because he had little choice in the matter, what with living and working in Germany during the days of the Third Reich and all. That's a nice little fable, to be sure, but it is contradicted in a big way by at least one known photograph in which von Braun can be seen adorned in the elite Nazi regalia of the Black Order of the SS. As anyone who has studied the Nazi hierarchy is well aware, Himmler’s elite order had a 'no weekend Nazis need apply' policy. —Dave McGowan, Wagging the Moondoggie: Part XII, The Center for an Informed America, (Feb 23, 2010).
SS-valtakunnanjohtajan Heinrich Himmlerin takana seisoo mustassa SS-univormussa SS-majuri, natsisotarikollinen ja Apollo-kantorakettien pääsuunnittelija Wernher von Braun.
As it turns out, authentic Moon rocks are available right here on Earth, in the form of lunar meteorites. Because the Moon lacks a protective atmosphere, you see, it gets smacked around quite a bit, which is why it is heavily cratered. And when things smash into it to form those craters, lots of bits and pieces of the Moon fly off into space. Some of them end up right here on Earth. By far the best place to find them is in Antarctica, where they are most plentiful and, due to the terrain, relatively easy to find and well preserved. And that is why it is curious that Antarctica just happens to be where a team of Apollo scientists led by Wernher von Braun ventured off to in the summer of 1967, two years before Apollo 11 blasted off. You would think that, what with the demanding task of perfecting the hugely complex Saturn V rockets, von Braun and his cronies at NASA would have had their hands full, but apparently there was something even more important for them to do down in Antarctica. NASA has never offered much of an explanation for the curiously timed expedition. —Dave McGowan, Wagging the Moondoggie: Part II, The Center for an Informed America, (Oct 1, 2009).
One 'debunker' claim that has been made fairly frequently over the years, it should be noted, is that NASA's alleged Moon rocks contain no traces of water, proving that they are not of Earthly origin and could only have come from the surface of a waterless sphere like the Moon... which isn't, NASA now claims, waterless. I have no doubt though that those same 'debunkers' will be able to come up with some convoluted, hackneyed explanation for the apparent discrepancy. —Dave McGowan, Wagging the Moondoggie: Part XII, The Center for an Informed America, (Feb 23, 2010).
For decades, standard sources had insisted that lack of water was a distinctive feature of Moon rocks, and that this lack "proved" that the Apollo samples were genuine. NASA claimed: "this simple mineralogy of lunar samples results because lunar rocks were formed in a completely dry and very reducing environment with no hydrous minerals". When water was discovered in the samples then this should have "proved" that the rocks were of earthly origin and worthless for geological research, especially as we see no sign of the "complex" geology that should in theory result – but no, a "Wet Moon Theory" was concocted to defend the prestige and value of the samples. This kind of reconfiguration of a hitherto rock-solid theory (the "Dry Moon") into its opposite (the "Wet Moon") in order to protect the reputation of the overall project is a standard feature of the modern scientific research program. Since we now know the Moon is "wet", that should leave the standard "anhydrous" model of lunar petrology and geology dead in the water, though the samples were originally pre-selected to "prove" just that model. —Bulcsu István Siklós, Lunar Geology and Ionising Radiation from a Revisionist Perspective, Aulis Online, (July 2020), s. 17-18.
Kuukivistä ksm. Bulcsu István Siklós, Lunar Geology and Ionising Radiation from a Revisionist Perspective, Aulis Online, (July 2020), "The Fabrication of Lunar Geology", s. 11-36; Kaysing, s. 174-176, 191; Marcus Allen & Trevor Weaver, Apollo Moon Hoax: The Real Evidence - A Reference Guide to the Facts, (2021), s. 177-179; Fraley, s. 50-53; Sibrel, s. 146-147.