
Natsi-Saksa #88 - Moses Hess, 1812-1875

"Kansallissosialismi" (natsismi) -termin kehittänyt ranskanjuutalainen sionisti-filosofi Moses Hess[1] (1812-1875), joka oli naimisissa ei-juutalaisen prostituoidun Sibylle Peschin kanssa.[2]
Hess ennusti vuoden 1862 kirjassaan "Rooma ja Jerusalem: Viimeinen kansallinen kysymys"[3] tulevan Saksan rotusodan ja kielsi juutalaisia sekoittumasta ei-juutalaisten ali-ihmisten sekaan.[4]

Kirjassaan Hess myös kutsui Israelin valtion perustamista Palestiinaan, jonka natsit toteuttivat 80 vuotta myöhemmin Hessin ja muiden sionistiliikkeen johtajien, kuten Theodor Herzl, Leon Pinsker ja Walter Rothschild, ohjeiden mukaisesti.[5]
"Koko ihmisorganismissa ei ole missään kahta kansaa, jotka ihastuttavat ja halveksuvat toisiaan enemmän kuin juutalaiset ja saksalaiset." MOSES HESS (1812-1875) Pioneerisionisti, [Karl] Marxin ja [Friedrich] Engelsin varhainen kumppani, "kansallissosialismi"-termin luoja.[6] —Alan Abrams
Vuonna 1941 American Hebrew and Jewish Tribune -lehdessä otsikolla ONKO RUDOLF HESS "EI-ARJALAINEN"? epäiltiin valtakunnanvarajohtajan Rudolf Hessin olleen juutalaista syntyperää ja kehotettiin tutkimaan oliko Rudolf Hess sukua Moses Hessille,
Bratislavan antisemitistinen slovakkiradio ei ilmeisesti ole tyytyväinen Saksassa julkaistuihin Rudolf Hessin Englannin lennon selityksiin ja on esittänyt oman erikoislaatuisen ehdotuksen mysteerin ratkaisemiseksi. Sen mukaan on tarpeellista selvittää onko Rudolf Hessillä juutalaista verta suonissaan ja etenkin onko hänellä mitään yhteyttä Moses Hessin perheeseen.[7]                                —American Hebrew and Jewish Tribune, #149, Nro 8, (1941)

[1] [MOSES] HESS WAS BORN in Bonn (Prussia) in 1812, four years after the conquest of the town by Napoleon's army and the abolition of its Jewish Ghetto. His father, a well-to-do merchant, was an esteemed member of the Jewish community. His mother was descended from Polish Rabbis and scholars. In accordance with the then new usage, the boy was given a German name, Moritz, which he himself later changed into Moses. At the age of nine he went, together with his parents, to Cologne. There he was brought up in the house of his maternal grandfather—a pious and scholarly Jew, whose saintliness and nobility of mind strongly impressed the boy: many years later Moses Hess, the veteran fighter for socialism, remembered with deep emotion the stories and legends of the destruction of the Temple, which the "stern old man" used to read to his grandchildren. —Joseph Heller, Moses Hess, The Jewish Agency, London, (1950), s. 11.

[2] Alan Abrams, Special Treatment: The Untold Story of the Survival of Thousands of Jews in Hitler's Third Reich, Lyle Stuart, Secaucus, (1985), s. 224, v. 1; Three years after the publication of The Sacred History [Moses] Hess married a non-Jewish German girl of bad repute, Svbille Presch by name, with whom he lived in love and happiness until his death. This open defiance of conventional morality and of the Jewish religious law widened and perpetuated the breach between Hess and his father: they never saw one another again. —Joseph Heller, s. 15.

[3] In 1862 appeared the book Rome and Jerusalem, an attempt to solve the "last national problem" and to show the significance of the redemption of Israel for the future of mankind. This book became the basis for many theories of modern Jewish nationalism and a classic of Zionist literature. —Joseph Heller, s. 21.

[4] Assimilation and Religious Reform. HAVING COME BACK to his people, Hess became a zealous and acute critic of assimilationism and of its offspring, the Reform movement. He castigates the faithlessness and cowardice of "those who are ready to give up vital parts of their Jewish inheritance for the benefits of emancipation, and deny their Jewish national distinctiveness, lacking the courage to acknowledge their solidarity with an unhappy, persecuted and divided people." Not the old-fashioned pious Jew, but "the modem liberal Jew is to be despised: the Jew who throws about beautiful phrases on humanitarianism and enhghtenment in order to disguise his disloyalty to his brethren." The modern assimilationist is not only a renegade—with regard to his religion, but also a traitor—with regard to his people and his family. "Those of our brethren who, for the purpose of obtaining emancipation, endeavour to persuade themselves that modern Jews possess no national feeling any more, have really lost their heads. Emancipation cannot be the price of national betrayal, and if it were true that Jewish emancipation is incompatible with attachment to the Jewish nation, a Jew should sacrifice the former for the sake of the latter." —Joseph Heller, s. 28-29.

[5] The Last Catastrophe and the Rebirth of Israel. HESS CONCLUDES his description of the spiritual situation of the Jewish people and the modem world with a prophetic vision of the future. He foresees a struggle for racial domination, which will be initiated by the reactionary rulers of Germany and will precede the birth of a new world. We are entering a period of final racial and social conflicts leading to the "last catastrophe" on the eve of the Sabbath of history. Along with other "nurses of progress" the Jewish assimilationists will have to recognise their failure. After the last catastrophe, the approach of which is heralded by unmistakable signs of our times, Rome will have to yield its sceptre to Jerusalem: the spiritual hegemony of the eternal, holy city of Christian civilisation will pass over to the eternal, holy city of Israel, to the birthplace of both Judaism and Christianity which will also become the birthplace of a new religious civilisation. The Jewish people will find, together with other peoples, its legitimate place in universal history. As a result of Israel's national rebirth in its ancient homeland "the religious genius of the Jews will, like the legendary giant, draw new strength through touching Mother Earth, and will again be animated by the holy spirit of the Prophets." —Joseph Heller, s. 30-31.

[6] Abrams, s. 96, 224, v. 1.

[7] IS RUDOLF HESS "NON-ARYAN"? Nazis' Latest Theory. The anti-Semitic Slovak radio in Bratislava, apparently not quite satisfied with any of the assorted explanations of the flight of Rudolf Hess published in Germany, has put forward a quaint suggestion of its own to solve the mystery. It is necessary, it believes, to inquire whether Rudolf Hess has any Jewish blood in his veins, and particularly whether he has any connection with the family of Moses Hess." —American Hebrew and Jewish Tribune, #149, Nro 8, (1941).